It's For Your Eyes Only, meaning compartmentalized. However, even civilians know that just because you have TOP SECRET doesn't mean you go around asking every department to see their TOP SECRET stash. I was in the military and had a SECRET clearance. I'm going to make an educated guess here, but I assume there is a third NEED TO KNOW part, that not even Congress can get its hands on.

We’re intelligent enough to know what we need to do, we just have so many other flaws that we’ll never do it. We won’t ever allocate funds to the right places because so many have such a strong sense of greed. We won’t ever have a globalist nation because everyone wants their own country that holds their own values, we won’t ever defund the military or police because there will always be some who choose to rebel. But we’re too emotional, we have too many morals that go to far to either side of the spectrum. We know that prioritizing education and science would improve societies development by leaps and bounds. We know what could be done to further society, we know a single unified globalist nation that allocated all the worlds military funds into society and development would increase our society by an unimaginable amount.

Honestly in my opinion our problem is less about intelligence and more about our development of emotions and morals. Submit news article (no analysis/opinion) If your post is not a good fit for /r/news, consider submitting to one of these subreddits instead: