You're not able to link the item directly from the Loot tracker window to chat.
You can clear the Loot tracker window by writing "/loot clear" in your chat window.
Open your addon settings page to filter different options.
Disable group loot if you care about yours only.
Change the visibility of traits and filter the loot by a specific trait: Armor, weapon and jewelry traits has their own filter options.
Keep track of your gold with "Money update interval" feature.
Filter the loot by keyword or quality: Only selected and higher quality items will be shown.
"Drag and drop" the Loot tracker window wherever you want to.
Own seperate window for loot tracking: Easier to keep track of your loot without sacrificing the chat.
Addon settings page: More intuitive way to change the settings than writing chat commands.
Change between Loot tracker window and chat.
Temporary fix which will be changed in the future to be more intuitive and smarter.
Click on the loot row to import the loot and who looted it to the chat: You're able to link the item in chat or whisper to the player who looted something you're interested in.
Clear the loot list directly from the Loot tracker window.
Unlock the Loot tracker window without having to go to the addon settings.
Why? Because it has a lot of new functionalities I've missed in similar addons and finally decided to put one together on my own that has basically everything I've ever wanted to.